Neocities logo: a tabby cat with a paintbrush with the words Hosted by Neocities

What will I do today?

Today I will not launch my infant son into orbit

What will I do today?

Today I will launch my infant son into orbit

What will I do today?

Today I will not launch my infant son into orbit

What will I do today?

Today I will launch my infant son into orbit

Today I will not launch my infant son into orbit

Today I will launch my infant son into orbit

Today I will not launch my infant son into orbit

Today I will launch my infant son into orbit

Today I will not launch my infant son into orbit

Today I will launch my infant son into orbit

Today I will not launch my infant son into orbit

Today I will launch my infant son into orbit

Today I will not launch my infant son into orbit

Today I will:

Today I will:

  1. Not launch
  2. Launch
  3. Not launch

Today I will...

...go on the web!